NGO IEC PRO Justice Will Explore the Application of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure" and Judicial Control in Administrative Proceedings

Within theframework of the grant awarded by EU Project Pravo-Justice, implemented by Expertise France, NGO "Interregional Expert Center Pro Justice is launching a project aimed at a comprehensive analysis of the application of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure" (LAP) and exploring the judicial control in administrative proceedings.

In particular, a team of experts will conduct a systemic collection and analysis of court decisions from open registers in order to identify patterns, contradictions and potential problems in the application of LAP and aspects of judicial control. The data obtained will serve as the basis for developing practical recommendations for the implementation of unified approaches to administrative trials. The study will also allow assessing the effectiveness of the application of judicial control in administrative proceedings, taking intoaccount the possibility of its spreading over civil and economic processes.

"Strengthening the rule of law and access to justice in Ukraine is impossible without effective judicial control and clear application of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure". Our project is aimed at analysing and improvingthese processes", says Roman Chumak, co-founder and Chair of the Board of NGO IEC Pro Justice.

"Poor level of enforcement is a major problem of the justice system in Ukraine. Given the practice of EU member states, one of the effective tools for addressing it is judicial control. In Ukraine, judicial control used to be exercised by courts of administrative jurisdiction, however, Law No. 4094-ІХ, adopted at the end of 2024, provides for the application of this tool in some categories of economic and civil cases", noted Iryna Zharonkina, Enforcement and Protection of Property Rights Component Lead at EU Project Pravo-Justice.

"The study, which will be conducted by Pro Justice, will allow us to analyse the effectiveness of judicial control in administrative proceedings and strengthen it so that it could be applicable in all categories of cases," she said.

Background information.

Interregional Expert Center Pro Justice is an independent organisation majoring in supporting reforms in thefield of justice and implementing innovative approaches in administration of justice. The Center brings together a team of experienced lawyers, judges and experts who work to improve administrative processes and promote transparency in the operation of judicial bodies. The activities of Pro Justice are aimed at developing legal culture, improving the quality of judicial decisions, and ensuring public access to fair justice.

EU Project Pravo-Justice is a technical assistance project implemented by Expertise France with thefinancial support of the European Union.

After the victory of the Revolution of Dignity, EU Project Pravo-Justice became one of the drivers in promoting the rule of lawin Ukraine, bringing the country’s legislative framework in line with European standards, developing a strategic vision of reforms, judicial reform, properenforcement of judgments, etc. Not only it contributes to the spread of European practices in the Ukrainian justice system, providing constant expert support to judicial authorities, but also acts as a catalyst for change, laying the foundation for Ukraine’s integration into the EU.