component 3

Enforcement and Protection of Property Rights

The Enforcement and Protection of Property Rights Component is focused on protecting citizens’ right to a fair trial by building an effective system of enforcing court decisions, ensuring the protection of property rights by improving procedures for the enforcement of court decisions, improving insolvency and bankruptcy procedures, and creating a reliable system of property rights registration, as well as reforming the systems of carrying out sentences and forensic expert activity.

Activity areas:

  • Analysing Ukrainian legislation in the areas of enforcement of judgments, bankruptcy, notary, registration, carrying out the sentences, forensic expert activity
  • Providing recommendations on necessary amendments to legislation and participation in drafting laws and by-laws
  • Assisting in introducing European best practices and experience of the EU Member States in Ukraine
  • Promoting the development of professional self-governance of independent legal professions
  • Developing educational curricula and materials
  • Conducting research in the areas specified
  • Improving the system of alternative sanctions

Our partners:

  • Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
  • Association of Private Enforcement Officers of Ukraine
  • National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees of Ukraine
  • Notary Chamber of Ukraine
  • State Institution “Probation Centre”

Component team

Iryna Zharonkina

Enforcement and Protection of Property Rights Component Lead

Iryna Zharonkina

Dariia Chupryna

Project Officer, Enforcement and Protection of Property Rights Component

Dariia Chupryna

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VII Annual International Conference on Enforcement Proceedings was held in Odesa with the support of EU Project Pravo-Justice

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